Health and Safety / Health Management
Health and Safety Initiatives
The Japan Post Group has appointed the officers in charge of human resources at each of its four group companies to lead the promotion of health and safety. It is working to secure employee safety, and maintain and improve employee health under the following policies. As one of the companies in the Japan Post Group, we are working to prevent occupational accidents, prevent the impairment of employees' health, and create a comfortable workplace environment by observing the occupational health and safety laws and other related laws and regulations, and striving to ensure the safety of employees while maintaining and improving their health.
Japan Post Group Health and Safety Policies
・We aim to prevent occupational accidents and create a comfortable work environment
・With the cooperation of our employees, we will engage in voluntary activities in the workplace to further improve health and safety standards at each worksite
・To prevent health problems among our employees, we will enact health management measures, overwork prevention measures, and mental health promotion measures
・In addition to training health managers to strengthen our health and safety management system, we will launch health education initiatives to raise employee awareness of health and safety
・We will comply with laws and regulations related to occupational safety and health, as well as internal rules, etc.
Initiatives Involving Business Partners
The Company also recognizes the importance of health and safety initiatives being implemented by its business partners, and has established items related to occupational health and safety in the Japan Post Group CSR Procurement Guidelines. The guidelines require that business partners prevent unforeseen accidents and disasters by maintaining and improving the occupational safety and health environment of employees and all workers, through efforts such as ensuring workplace safety, managing facilities and the workplace environment, ensuring sanitary workplace conditions, periodically managing the health of employees, taking appropriate action to prevent occupational accidents, illness and injury, thoroughly responding in the event of emergencies, and providing education and training to employees.
Health and Safety Management System
The Company holds a monthly Health and Safety Committee meeting, whose members are selected from industrial physicians, health supervisors, and employee representatives, at offices with 50 or more employees. The committees discuss themes including the prevention of occupational accidents, the status of overtime work, and various health issues. In addition, industrial physicians and health supervisors conduct workplace inspections to check for health and safety issues and make improvements.
Health and Safety Risk Management System
The Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd. has appointed a Chief Risk Officer from among its executive officers to control the company's risk management and to build, verify, and upgrade risk management systems in accordance with changes in risk management circumstances and the operating environment. Furthermore, the CRO reports on the status and initiatives of risk management to the Executive Committee and other bodies. From among the "business risks and other risk factors," we consider human risk to be a risk to business operations. We also recognize the risk of health and safety management problems in the workplace. Therefore, based on our business strategy and changes in the external environment, we annually review risks that could yield a significant impact on our business.
Health and Safety Education and Training
In cooperation with our occupational health staff, we require all employees to receive annual training on mental health (self-care, line-care training, etc.). In addition, we have established internal and external health consultation desks to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of our employees.
Furthermore, we regularly publish "Safety and Health News" to promote employee understanding, making the information available on our portal site for all employees to view.
Our Response to Occupational Accidents
In the event of an occupational accident or potential occupational accident, we prepare a report in a prescribed format and submit it to the head office and other departments in charge, as well as to the director of the competent Labor Standards Inspection Office without delay. In addition, we conduct interviews and investigations of the relevant employees to identify the cause(s) of the problem and make efforts to prevent issues from recurring by studying and spreading remedial measures.
In the event of a serious accident resulting in death, the relevant departments at the head office work together to conduct an on-site investigation, analyze the cause(s) of the accident, and take measures to prevent it from happening again.

Health Management Initiatives
In line with the Japan Post Group policy that physical and mental health is important for each and every employee to fully demonstrate his or her abilities and work vigorously, we have established the Japan Post Group Health Management Promotion System. We work on measures to maintain and promote health, such as curbing long working hours, health guidance to prevent and improve lifestyle-related diseases, and mental health care.
Health Management Initiatives of the Japan Post Group (in Japanese)
Establishment of the Japan Post Group Health Management Promotion System
The presidents of the four Japan Post Group companies are responsible for promoting health management. The Health Management Office plays a central role in promoting the health management of the Japan Post Group in cooperation with occupational health staff, the Japan Post Mutual Aid Association, and internal health and safety committee, etc.
The Japan Post Group Health Management Promotion System
Setting Health Management KPI and PDCA in the Japan Post Group
With the aim of curbing the number of employees who are unable to work normally due to health issues, we have set KPIs over the medium term to evaluate the status of employee health-related initiatives.
Japan Post Group Health Management KPI
Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2020-FY2024)
- (*)
- Medical care required 1 and 2: Those who require urgent or immediate medical care.
In addition, we will continue to identify issues based on the analysis of the current situation using data obtained from health checkups, etc. Using this information will allow us to formulate and evaluate health management measures.
Various Initiatives to Promote Health Management at Japan Post Insurance
Initiatives for Health Promotion
- We are encouraging all employees to participate in "Radio-Taiso" exercise during working hours, as a companywide effort, and we are holding "Radio-Taiso" at all our offices across Japan. We promote employee health through "Radio-Taiso" and thoroughly manage health on a daily basis to ensure that we can provide high-quality services to our customers. Today, amid increasing attention to health management, we are holding "Radio-Taiso" one-point lessons at locations across Japan to provide companies actively engaged in promoting employee health with explanations on aspects such as the purpose of each "Radio-Taiso" move and effective ways of moving.
- We encourage employees to use our Sukoyakanpo health support app to give them opportunities to be more conscious of their health and make their lifestyle habits better by walking fast in everyday life and other measures.
- Based on the results of the health checkups, we recommend employees to go to medical institutions and obtain health guidance in cooperation with occupational health staff.
- We have established the My Health Navi website to provide information on health checkup results and prevention of lifestyle-related diseases to improve health literacy.
Efforts to Quit Smoking
- To prevent passive smoking, offices with smoking rooms have completely separate smoking areas, while offices without smoking rooms have a total ban on smoking.
- Since October 22, 2018, we have designated the 22nd of every month as Kampo No-Smoking Day. We work to raise awareness of smoke-free efforts by using a smoke-free awareness booklet and raising the issue at Health and Safety Committee meetings.
- In cooperation with the Japan Post Mutual Insurance Association, we work to encourage behavioral change among our employees by offering online smoking cessation programs.
Mental Health Measures
- To prevent mental health problems, we have established a Mental and Physical Health Consultation Desk in cooperation with occupational health staff, etc. We have a system in place to provide consultation in person, by phone or e-mail.
- To detect mental health problems at an early stage and improve the work environment, we conduct stress checks once a year at all business bases.
- To ensure that employees with mental health problems can return to work smoothly, we have formulated a Return-to-Work Support Program. We have also established a Return-to- Work Support Committee.
In addition, to support the return-to-work of employees with mental health problems, we offer a counseling program for employees who have been absent from work due to mental health problems.
Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization
We were selected for the eighth consecutive year as a Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization in the large enterprise category under a recognition program designed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in which the Nippon Kenko Kaigi recognizes enterprises that are engaged in efforts to address health issues or are particularly outstanding in the practice of health and productivity management for promoting health.