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Our Vision and Medium-term Management Plan

In May 2021, JAPAN POST INSURANCE Co., Ltd. has formulated the Japan Post Insurance Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2021 – FY2025) which returns to our management philosophy of “Being a trustful partner for people, always being close at hand and endeavoring to protect their well-being,” and has been formulated based on our social mission that “We will remain trusted and selected by customers, thereby protecting their lives by providing life insurance product.”

Management Philosophy

Reviewed Medium-term Management Plan

As three years has passed since the formulation of the Medium term Management Plan, we had reviewed it based on changes in the internal and external environments and our progress of the plan while maintaining the basic policies such as thoroughly implementing customer-oriented business operations.
※ For details of the contents, please refer to the linked documents below.

Concept of Reviewed Medium-term Management Plan

Concept of Reviewed Medium-term Management Plan

Primary Targets(FY2025)

We have reviewed our Financial Targets. For example, considering the characteristics unique to life insurance companies whose sales recovery has a negative impact on net income in the short term, we have been introducing “adjusted profit” that partially adjusts for such negative impact as a management target.

Primary Targets(FY2025)

Growth Strategies

Growth Strategies

Sustainability Management

We has identified the following five materiality items (important issues) and promotes various initiatives in line with them in order to fulfill our social mission and address various issues related to sustainability.

Sustainability Management

Please see the linked documents below details about Reviewed Medium-term Management Plan.

Reviewed Medium-term Management Plan(FY2021-FY2025)

Our Action to Implement Management that is Conscious of Cost of Capital and Stock Price

Based on the notification of “Action to implement management that is conscious of cost of capital and stock price” from Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. on March 31, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company repeatedly discussed and considered the current analysis of our capital efficiency indicators and measures to improve them, and disclosed these at our financial results & corporate strategy meeting for the six months ended September 30, 2023 in November 2023.
In addition, following further discussions with shareholders and investors, with the review of the Medium-term Management Plan in May 2024, we set financial targets consisting of “adjusted profit that partially adjusts for the effect unique to life insurance companies where an increase in new policies lowers net income in the short term, and “adjusted ROE*4” based on the adjusted profit, and we decided to provide stable shareholder returns using the adjusted profit as the source of funds.
We will continue our efforts to improve capital efficiency while maintaining financial soundness and improving market valuation in order to achieve management with an awareness of the cost of capital and stock price.

Management Conscious of Capital Efficiency

We will ensure soundness in business operation while achieving sustained growth and the medium-to long-term enhancement of corporate value.

Initiatives in Reviewed Medium-term Management Plan(Management Conscious of Capital Efficiency)

Plesase refer to the following page for JAPAN POST Group Medium-term Management Plan.

JAPAN POST Group Medium-term Management Plan