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We introduce our history that develops in accordance with change of the times since Postal Life Insurance was born in 1916.


Commenced Postal Life Insurance business

A poster advertising the first Postal Life Insurance

An original certificate for Postal Life Insurance

A poster advertising the first Postal Life Insurance

An original certificate for Postal Life Insurance


Established the Postal Life Insurance Bureau

The Postal Life Insurance Bureau building


Opened the Postal Life Insurance Health Consultation Office


Commenced the postal annuity business
Introduced a discounting system for advance premium payments

A poster advertising the postal annuity


Commenced the National Health Exercise program (precursor of Radio Exercise program)

People exercising under the Radio Exercise program


Introduced a system for exempting elderly insured persons from premium payments


Introduced a system for discounting premiums with collective insurance


Postal Life Insurance business ceased to be a government monopoly


Established the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Introduced the system for double payment of insurance benefits


Established the Radio Exercise No. 1 program and broadcast on the radio

Broadcasting the program


Established the Association of Postal Life Insurance Policyholders
Commenced distribution of surplus


Launched family-type insurance
Established the Chuo Rengo Association of Postal Life Insurance Policyholders


Established Incorporated Foundation of Postal Life Insurance Policyholders Association


Established Postal Life Insurance Welfare Organization


Launched double-type special endowment insurance


Introduced accident riders


Launched special whole life insurance and educational endowment insurance

A poster advertising the educational endowment insurance


Established Postal Life Insurance Hall


Launched individual term insurance
Introduced medical insurance riders

A poster advertising the medical insurance riders


Launched fivefold-type special endowment insurance and group term insurance


Launched asset formation savings insurance


Commenced a networked service using the mechanized system of Postal Life Insurance Services
Revised the maximum amount of insurance coverage for Postal Life Insurance (from \8 million to \10 million)
Established a system for withdrawing the application for insurance contracts


Launched adult insurance


Introduced gender-segregated premiums / Reduced premiums by adopting Postal Life Insurance Experience Mortality Table


Commenced the new postal annuity business


Launched asset-formation endowment annuity and asset-formation whole life annuity


Launched tenfold-type special endowment insurance


Launched endowment insurance with pure endowments


Commenced dividend for long-term contract continuation
Commenced automatic payment of insurance premiums through bank transfers
Revised the maximum amount of insurance coverage for Postal Life Insurance (from \10 million to \13 million under certain conditions)


Launched husband-and-wife annuity / Launched a system for increasing policy amount
Launched husband-and-wife insurance / Revised the rider system (revised payment conditions, etc. for hospitalization benefits)
Commenced the payment of insurance and annuity benefits through postal transfer accounts


Launched asset-formation housing funding insurance
Launched whole life insurance with nursing care benefits
Launched a lump-sum payment system for postal annuity premiums and immediate annuity
Introduced a discounting system for advance payments of and reinstatement system for postal annuity premiums


Launched term insurance with pure endowments
Launched Japanese government bond-type endowment insurance
Established a rider system for postal annuity


Launched endowment insurance maturing at a specified age


Introduced the new postal life insurance system
Launched whole life insurance with whole life annuity
Revised the maximum amount of insurance coverage for Postal Life Insurance annuity (first-year annual premium: from \720 thousand to \900 thousand)
Commenced handling in-home payment of Postal Life Insurance annuity
Launched husband-and-wife insurance with husband-and-wife annuity


Extended the upper age limit for enrollment (endowment insurance with 10-year maturity: from age 65 to 70)
Launched occupational insurance
Launched endowment insurance with pure endowments


Improved the rider system (diversification of riders, expansion of rider coverage, etc.)


Launched educational endowment insurance with scholarship annuity


Launched whole life annuity with additional nursing annuity
Improved the emergency treatment system


Launched fixed amount-type whole life annuity
Opened the "Kampo Website"


Commenced special husband-and-wife annuity
Lowered the age limit by five years for enrollment of deferred whole life annuity
Commenced reduction of interest on loans (in case insured persons enter a state requiring nursing care, etc.)


Delivered policy details to all policyholders
Commenced handling Postal Life Insurance Card

Attendance card in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Radio Exercise program (participation form on the back)


Launched special endowment insurance maturing at a specified age
Expanded the maturity age for endowment insurance maturing at a specified age (from age 55-65 to age 35-65)
Commenced payment of insurance benefits through the bank saving accounts of certain private financial institutions
Commenced Minna no Taiso (“Exercise for Everyone”) program


Commenced handling Postal Life Insurance Card using ATMs
Launched designated endowment insurance


Creation of Postal Services Agency as part of realignment of government ministries
Established Japan Post Insurance Call Center
Commenced handling motorbike liability insurance


Launched defined contribution whole life annuity
Consolidate the maturities of ordinary endowment insurance and special endowment insurance into maturity at specified age
Extended the upper age limit of policyholders for enrollment of educational endowment insurance and educational endowment insurance with scholarship annuity (from age 50 to 55)


Established of Japan Post (abolishment of Postal Life Insurance Welfare Organization)
Improved annuity products (fixed-amount payment of annuities and launched whole life annuities with no limitation on insurance period)
Improved educational endowment insurance, etc. (lowered the age limit of policyholders for enrollment from age 20 to 18 for male and to 16 for female) / Launched the educational endowment insurance maturing at age 22, etc.)


Improved whole life insurance (launched double-type whole life insurance and fivefold-type whole life insurance)
Improved special endowment insurance (expanded the maturity age for double-type special endowment insurance from age 70 to 75)


Provide customer consultation service nationwide via Japan Post Insurance Call Center


Commenced payment of insurance premiums through bank accounts of private financial institutions
Commenced the payment of insurance benefits through bank saving accounts of private financial institutions
Established Kampo Co., Ltd. under the Postal Service Privatization Act


Postal service was privatized
Changed trade name to JAPAN POST INSURANCE Co., Ltd. in line with the commencement of the life insurance business
Started Postal Life Insurance management operations under commission from the Management Organization for Postal Savings and Postal Life Insurance
Obtained approval for new operations (liberalization of investment products)


Commenced commissioned sales of life insurance products for corporate clients
Launched “Sono hi kara, a new hospitalization rider

The logo of “Sono hi kara, a new hospitalization rider”


JAPAN POST INSURANCE SYSTEM SOLUTIONS Co., Ltd. (current consolidated subsidiary) became a subsidiary


Launched “Hajime no Kampo,” an educational endowment insurance
Commenced handling commissioned sales of cancer insurance products for American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus*
*Our current contract partner is Aflac Life Insurance Japan Ltd.

The logo of “Hajime no Kampo”


Commenced sales of endowment insurance “Shin Free Plan (limited payment)
Commenced commissioned sales of life insurance products for corporate clients (general welfare group term insurance, etc.)
Listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Listing ceremony


Obtained approval for new operations (underwriting of reinsurance policies, related services)
Business alliance with The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited*
Signed a trilateral memorandum with The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited and Vietnam Post Corporation
100th anniversary of Postal Life Insurance
*Currently Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.

Signing ceremony of the memorandum


Commenced sales of “Sono hi kara Plus,” a new medical rider, “Shin Nagaiki Kun Low Cash Value Plan,” a new whole life insurance, and “Choju no Shiawase,” a longevity support insurance


Commenced sales of “Kampo ni Omakase,” products with relaxed underwriting criteria; and an advanced medical rider

Secondary offering of common stock of Japan Post Insurance


Commenced sales of “Motto sono hi kara Plus”, a new medical rider.

Moved to Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

The logo of “Motto sono hi kara Plus”, a new medical rider